




I'm Karen, a designer by day. A lover of snacks all the time.

I'm Karen, a designer by day. A lover of snacks all the time.

I'm Karen, a designer by day. A lover of snacks all the time.

Matters of employment

Most recently at Meta

Paying the bills by working as a product designer at Meta, most currently configuration products. But don't ask me what that means b/c I am not sure I fully understand

Previously at IBM

Paying the bills by working as a product designer at Meta, most currently configuration products. But don't ask me what that means b/c I am not sure I fully understand

Matters of sustenance

XXtra Flamin' hot cheetos

I used to love Flamin' hot cheetos. Then, in 2017, I discovered XXtra Flamin' hot cheetos and have never gone back.

Siete sea salt and vinegar chips

Something about that dash of serrano. It's made every other salt and vinegar chip subpar.

Choices of entertainment

The Wire

I watch a lot of TV and movies. The Wire is still one of the best shows I have ever watched.

One Day

A recent discovery. So good that I watched it twice in quick succession.

Choices of literature

Madame Bovary

I read it in a Rhetoric class about censored works while an undergrad at UC Berkeley (so so long ago…sigh). I burst out crying at the end of the book. Perhaps it was because of some personal trials going on at the time. Maybe it's just that good.

Anthony Trollope

If I recall correctly, I have read all 47 of his novels. Just that good.